Today, healthcare facilities are faced with a new set of challenges. They have to meet regulatory requirements and maintain their HIT (Health Information Technology) systems while delivering quality care, all at a low cost.
Here are outsourcing options that healthcare facilities - such as hospitals - can utilise to meet these challenges.
Outsourcing HR
Healthcare facilities have unique HR departments. They are required to follow strict requirements while catering to a fleet of healthcare providers.
Nurses, physicians and staff each have specific roles and different working schedules. Collecting time and labour information can be difficult to coordinate and tedious to process.
Outsourcing HR to a single service provider can enable hospitals to increase efficiency, and adapt to healthcare regulation changes without using their own resources.
Outsourcing Medical Coding Services
Medical records are very important, not just to ensure proper healthcare, but also accurate insurance processing. Many hospitals are still outsourcing medical coding services today despite the introduction of electronic health records.
Offshoring medical coding can reduce cost and shorten turn around time.
Outsourcing Revenue Cycle Management
HIT does not only apply to health information management (HIM). Hospitals also need to update their revenue cycle operations to improve efficiency. This is an additional financial and operational burden.
Healthcare facilities can outsource their revenue cycle department (revenue cycling outsourcing) or a part of their operations (such as extended business process outsourcing services) for help. They can also bring in a consulting firm to redesign processes and increase efficiency (revenue cycle transformation).
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