If you're searching for some funding opportunities to kick-start your business, here's a list of government grants by state.
New South Wales
Who: Innovate NSW
How Much: Up to $15,000
Offer: 50 per cent matched funding for project costs
Requirement: address a B2B need by demonstrating an idea, proving a concept, developing a prototype or delivering a customised solution.
Industry: e-health, advanced manufacturing, energy technologies and services, online and interactive education, transport, logistics and infrastructure
Status: Open
Who: Tech Vouchers
How Much: up to $15,000
Offer: help SMEs connect with an expert in their field, collaborate in a joint research project or access high tech instruments and facilities for studies and testing.
Status: Open
Who: Shopfront Improvement Grants
How Much: up to $6000
Offer: help owners or tenants of properties to improve their shop fronts including:
Requirement: property must be located at Oxford Street between College Street and South Dowling Street.
- removal of roller shutters
- replacement of an approved security system
- laminating
- shop front painting
Status: Open
Who: Employment Start up for Business
How Much: up to $4000
- a grant of up to $4000 for each young worker employed on a full-time basis (at least 30 hours a week)
- multiple applications of up to five grants within 12 months for five different employees
Status: Open
- employ a new young employee (aged 15-25)
- provide proof of new staff member's employment and training conditions
- pay for appropriate accredited training to the value of at least $800 (20 per cent of total funding).
Who: Business Development Plan
How Much: up to $7500
Offer: helps implement a comprehensive strategic plan for future growth
Prove a selection criteria including:
Status: Open
- financial viability
- commitment to innovation or potential for export/import
- solid management
- commitment to strategic planning and growth
Who: Trade Mission Assistance Program
How Much: up to $3000
Requirement: must be exportable to overseas markets including China, India, Southeast Asia, Middle East, Republic of Korea, the Americas, and Japan
- help SMEs attend trade shows, events, conferences, and industry meeting in overseas markets
- multiple applications in a year but limited to $12,000
Status: Open
Australian Capital Territory
Who: Innovation Connect
How Much: $5000 - $50,000
- help Canberra-based businesses in the early stages of developing products and services
- dollar-for-dollar match funding basis
- funding can be used for commercialisation training, IP strategies and advice, and market testing and monitoring
Status: will Open August 13 at 5pm
- small-scale businesses with a turnover of $2 millions
- payments are made after completion of agreed milestones
- applications must provide proof of technology, accelerate innovation or clean technology.
Who: First Start Loan
How Much: up to $650,000
Offer: a loan to help SMEs expand current operations, reach viability, or assist in the first primary production phase
Requirement: must be in primary production
Status: Open
Who: Accelerate Ideas
How Much: $25,000 - $50,000
Requirement: must have an idea with potential commercial viability
- dollar-on-dollar matched funding basis
- cover programs such as market research, export strategy development, prototyping, intellectual property production assessment and commercialisation strategy development
Status: Currently open applications closed on August 31
Northern Territory
Who: Business Planning Program
How Much: up to $10,000
Requirement: must be financially viable with a minimum turnover of $300,000 per year
- help SMEs to create a structured plan and timeline to improve potential
- areas of improvement include market expansion, product expansion, employment and possible export markets
Status: Open
South Australia
Who: Gateway Business Program
How Much: $2000 - $25000
Status: Open
- help SMEs in the export business
- funding can go to projects such as research, development, attending trade shows, export mentoring or support for incoming buyers, adapting website for a specific international market
Who: Business Transformation Voucher Program
How Much: up to $50,000
Requirement: must be operating for at least 12 months and financially viable
- help manufacturers to develop and implement new activities, improve existing operations, and gain expert advice
- funding can go to business/manufacturing improvements, marketing and brand strategy, business model development, management training, export readiness
Status: Open
Western Australia
Who: Regional Events Scheme
How Much: $5000- $50,000
Requirement: event must be held within July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015 to be eligible for the 2014-2015 funding round
- develop events as tourist attractions in Western Australia
- funding can go to conferences, annual general meeting, promotional exhibitions, expos, trade shows, conventions, and anniversaries
Status: Next round of applications will open in October
Who: City of Perth Small Business Grants
How Much: up to $2000
Requirement: first-come, first-serve basis
- assist with start-up, expansion, and other creative business-related projects
- funding can be used for projects such as aesthetic improvements of street scape and utilisation of empty city spaces
Status: Open
Who: Tasmanian Innovation and Investment Fund
How Much: $50,000
Requirement: minimum cash requirement that matches the total amount of grant funding for successful applicants
- merit-based grant that helps businesses that provide sustainable solutions for the economy and employment in Tasmania
- funding can go to projects that generate new investment and job creation
Status: Open
Who: Small Business Jobs BonusHat tip: Smart Company
How Much: up to $1000
Offer: $1000 for new positions created by SMEs from July 2014 - June 30, 2015
Requirement: full-time positions get $1000 while part-time positions that exceed 20 hours per week get $500
Catch: funding capped at $2 million
Status: Open
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