Top Free Online Courses for Australian Small Businesses in 2015

Want to know your equity but have no time to learn basic accounting? Here is a compilation of free online courses from developing start-up ideas to expanding in Asia.


Entrepreneurship and Family Business at RMIT University in Melbourne - four modules that will teach you how to start and run a business, from funding strategies to succession planning.

Technology Entrepreneurship by Chuck Essley at Stanford University - a course for tech entrepreneurs with a practical application. Student teams develop a start-up idea and pitch it to investors.

Accounting and Finance

Introduction to Corporate Finance at Wharton University of Pennsylvania or Introduction to Finance at the University of Michigan - both offer the fundamental principles of valuation as well as an understanding of financial risk.

Principles of Macroeconomics at the University of Melbourne - Professor Nilss Olekalns will teach you about concepts that affect businesses including unemployment and inflation, as well as fiscal and monetary policies.


Writing for the Web by Open2Study - a course on how to write effectively for the web and online publications.

Services Marketing - Selling the Invisible by Betina Crooks - a marketing course for businesses in the services sector.

Principles of Project Management - a four-week course about managing a project through concept, development, and execution stages.

Expansion and Scalability

Scaling Up your Venture without Screwing up at Stanford University - explains the different strategic choices when scaling a business while avoiding “cognitive overload”.

Introduction to Business Asia at Griffith University - includes modules on Asian leadership and management styles, as well as culture and business in Asia. One week is dedicated to doing business in China.

Work 3.0: How to digitise, automate and get mobile to boost productivity by Smart Company - webinar on how to automate accounts payable systems, digitise paper documents, manage a mobile workforce, and streamline communication.

Leaders and Managers

Total Leadership at Wharton University - teaches a practical and proven method to articulate your core values and vision, build trust, and achieve “four way wins”.

Successful Negotiation: Essential Strategies and Skills at University of Michigan - provides practical tips for improving negotiating skills in four key stages - planning, negotiating, creating, and performing the contract.

Managing the Company of the Future - a five-week course that compares traditional with alternative principles of management.

Management for a Competitive Edge at International College of Management - an introductory management course.


Design Thinking for Business Innovation at University of Virginia - a four-week course about Design Thinking, an alternative approach to solving problems and looking for opportunities.

Developing Innovative Ideas for New Companies: The First Step in Entrepreneurship at the University of Maryland - a course on how to identify and develop ideas for business.

A Crash Course on Creativity at Stanford University - designed to introduce you to a set of tools for generating new ideas individually and as part of a team.

Hat tip to Smart Company

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